your health is your wealth

Baby Eating

5 Strategies For Picky Eaters

  1. Divide your responsibilities. Let your job as the parent be to provide the food. Let your child decide if they want to eat it and how much they want to eat. It will give your children a sense of responsibility and independence about their diet. 
  2. Don’t pressure them to eat their food. Forcing your children to finish their meals or eat in a certain way will only be counterproductive in the long run. Instead, aim to create a happy environment around food where they have a certain level of freedom regarding their own diets. 
  3. Keep putting the foods they are picky about over and over in front of them, even if they do not eat it the first time. It’s a long-time strategy, so start with tiny portions and work your way up to regular servings. 
  4. Make sure you and the rest of the family model good behavior around food. For example, eat together as a family whenever possible and let everyone decide what they want to put on their plates. 
  5. 5. Get your children involved in food preparation. Include the children in buying groceries, cooking, or, if you have a veggie patch, growing the food, they’ll eat. In the long run, this will create a healthier relationship with food.

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