your health is your wealth

Michael Lynch


I have a Brainwave

Well, actually we have four major Brainwaves. Activity emanating from your brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four major categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most active to the least active. Beta, alpha, theta, delta. Beta Brain Waves (Your normal day-to-day activity) The most active brain wave is the beta

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6 Steps To Change

If you really want to change your situation, you first need to change yourself. You must change your mindset, your habits, and your actions. It is difficult to change yourself, but it is necessary if you want to change your life.  Here are the six steps you can take to change yourself positively and have a massive impact

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Sleep To The Rhythm

We evolved over millions of years, living on a planet that travels around the Sun every year and spins once every 24 hours. We’ve grown with the seasons that mark our years and the light and darkness that make up our days. These two cycles, the yearly and the daily are stamped on our DNA;

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