your health is your wealth

Morning Ritual

Before The Sun Rises

My favorite time of the day is just before the sun rises. It is still dark out, and the earth appears quiet and peaceful. Like an alarm clock, the sounds of birds chirping or the beaming sun rays wake me. And just like the many creatures of the earth, my body craves a morning routine.

My body and mind appreciate it when I complete the following routine:

  • I open my eyes and take in a few abdominal breaths. This allows me to connect with my body and determine how I feel that morning.
  • As soon as I get out of bed, I take a couple of minutes to give my body the stretch it needs. After sleeping in the same position the entire night, our bodies eventually become stiff. 
  • During the night, our bodies become dehydrated. I drink a whole cup of lemon water I prepared the night before to rehydrate.
  • While the coffee is brewing, I spend 10 minutes oil pulling with coconut oil.
  • To get my blood flowing, I complete a few rounds of sun salutations, as well as more dynamic stretching.
  • I then journal and plan out my day while enjoying my morning coffee. 
  • If I happen to have extra time, I will listen to podcasts or get some reading in.
  • Right before I hop in the shower, I do one round of dry brushing.
  • Before finishing the shower, I turn the temperature down and let cold water run for 30 seconds to stimulate blood flow and energize my body/mind.

This may seem like it takes a lot of time, but this routine only takes about 30 minutes in reality. Implementing practices like this into your day can help us feel connected and energize us for even more movement. What would you like to add to your morning routine?

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