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Exercise Snacks

Exercise Snacks or Micro Exercises

An activity or workout that lasts less than ten minutes, usually between four and ten minutes. The micro workout or snacks definition includes cleaning, walking, stair climbing, and many traditional exercises like squats, stretches, lunges, and light hand weights.

This new fitness concept is based on popular interval training, which has been shown to improve fitness, fat burning, and muscle strength. The science behind interval training is that muscle continues to burn calories long after the exercise has ended. This effect is multiplied by varying exercise intensity.

A study conducted by Queens University in Canada showed that Smaller bursts of exercise for weight loss and general fitness have been proven. Small amounts of daily physical activity are now believed to contribute to fitness and weight loss. The benefits are especially beneficial to sedentary-inactive people, returning to exercise, and those who never exercised.

Micro-exercises are designed to fit into daily routines. Take the stairs two at a time; squat instead of bend over to put clothes in the washer; walk fast for 3 minutes, then slow down for 1 minute.

Benefits Of Exercise Snacks

  • It’s a simple way to get inactive people moving. The idea of sweating it out in a gym can be intimidating for first-time exercisers, especially if they are overweight. Micro-exercises done throughout the day are a good start. Exercise gives people a good feeling, which motivates them to exercise more and adopt other healthy habits.

    It doesn’t take long out of a busy day. Because micro exercise is only brief, it can be incorporated into the day. It takes only a few minutes per day to do 20 squats, 3 minutes of stretching, or a brisk walk. Taking short breaks from work, especially if they involve physical activity, has increased productivity and reduced stress.

    It is a gentle start to weight loss for inactive people. Exercise is an accepted component of weight loss programs, but many people get stuck on this component. For those of us who have not worked out in a long time, micro-exercises are a great way to get moving without the rigors of full-on Gradually increasing activity levels as they gain fitness and lose weight can build on this solid foundation of micro exercises.

    It’s a great way to recover from illness or injury. Micro-exercises, repeated daily, are an easy way to regain strength and fitness. Micro-exercises are non-weight-bearing and low-impact, allowing muscles and joints to move again without risk.

    Micro exercise may not be the ultimate solution for fitness and weight loss. Still, it does provide options for those who lack the time or are new to exercise.

    A great way to contribute to your overall health. These quick-and-easy workout snacks aid in the development of cardiorespiratory fitness, which is a vital sign of overall health. “Increasing your cardiorespiratory fitness can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease,” says Martin Gibala, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Ontario.

Final Thoughts

Exercise snacks can involve almost any cardio exercise, including, walking stair climbing, swimming, cycling, and even calisthenics. Push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and deep knee squats raise the heart rate and provide cardiovascular and strength advantages. Even if you have 10 minutes each day, you can get a great workout to enhance your health and fitness. Doing exercise snacks or micro activities throughout the day is just as effective as one long training bout to gain muscle, boost your metabolism, and lose weight.

Don’t argue for your limitations. If an exercise snack is all you can do…just do it.


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