your health is your wealth


Life Requires Movement.

Human beings everywhere suffer from physical aches and pains. Ever wonder why?

In our modern world, most people are sedentary. We sit for long hours while working or at school. We sit in our cars, sit on our couch, sit on the floor; we sit, sit, sit, and sit some more. 

However, we are meant to move. As Aristotle stated, “Life requires movement.”

Without movement, we become physically, emotionally, and energetically stagnant. When we are not moving, our muscles get weaker, and our joints, tendons, and ligaments become stiff. 

The vitality of movement is recognized in traditional Chinese medicine and is known as “Chi.” This is our life force and creates balance. If we keep the Chi moving, we can remove blockages and strengthen the mind and bodily functions, maintaining balance.

The human body also recognizes the importance of movement. Every organ in our body is in constant motion, even as we sleep. This continuous movement is vital to our survival.

So, how do we get moving?

Simple and gentle movements such as walking, stretching, gardening, tai chi, and yoga are a great way to start moving and the key to longevity. And as you move, remember you are reaping many benefits!

Movement Exercise

Benefits of movement.

Maintain the joint’s mobility to reach its full potential.

Mindful movement helps stimulate brain activity.

Reduce stress and improve mental health.

Helps with better sleep.

Straighten (strengthen) muscles and bones.

Boost energy. When all the systems in the body work correctly, we have more energy.

Helps with aches and pains. Movement creates more blood flow and lengthens the muscles.

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