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The Benefits Of Dry Brushing

For thousands of years, “dry brushing” or “manual exfoliating” has been a beauty routine for the Greeks, Romans, and many parts of Asia. The Egyptians used pumice stone, the Moroccans used Kessa glove, and the Koreans used scrub mitts.

Dry brushing, also known as “Garshana,” is one of the Ayurvedic beauty routines. The brush made of natural bristles exfoliates the body before (Abhyanga) or self-massage. It’s also utilized as a part of the seasonal cleanse in the spring (Kapha) when the sinus and respiratory systems become stagnant. Dry brushing aids in stimulating and draining excess mucus, helping with allergies.

In the current era, many spas use the method at the start of their body treatments to complement and enhance treatments such as massage and body wrap.

There are many types of brushes you can choose from; we recommend the one that has a natural bristle or if you have sensitive skin, try silk gloves instead.

Benefits Of Dry Brushing

  1. Increases blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin.
  2. Increase Lymphatic circulation, which promotes detoxification.
  3. Exfoliate dead cells, clear out clogged pores and improve cell turnover.
  4. Energizing by stimulating nerve endings in the skin.
  5. Brighten the skin
  6. Enhance absorption of other products and hydrate more efficiently. 

How to dry brush

    •  The skin should be dry.
    • Start from the feet, use a long, firm stroke up the front and back of the legs towards the heart and circular motion on the knees and stomach. 
    • Upper body, start at the tip of the hands, brush along the arm towards the heart—circular motion at the elbow and gently at the armpit.
    • Try to reach as much of your back as you can. Using a long-handled brush will help get at those tricky spots.
    • Brush from the neck down to the décolleté (low neckline) and out towards the armpit on each side.
    • Finish with self-massage and shower after.
    • Hydrate the skin with natural ingredients oil or moisturizer for silky smooth skin.


Use firm pressure, avoid the area that has skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, sunburn, open wound, or if your skin is extra sensitive, avoid brushing after all.

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