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Metabolism exercise

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism with Exercise

Suppose you want to optimize your metabolism and maximize the number of calories your body burns each day. In that case, exercise is an essential part of the process. The good news is that boosting your metabolism with exercise is a relatively simple process. In this article, I will show you how by providing you with five top metabolism-boosting exercise tips.

Walk Whenever You Can

Walking is a highly effective calorie burner and something that most people don’t do enough of. By walking for an hour a day, you can blast through 240 calories, which equals over 1,600 calories per week. So if you’re not currently taking every opportunity to walk during the day, start making some changes to your routine and give your metabolism a kick.

Do Some High-Intensity Cardio During The Day

While walking is an excellent steady-state calorie burner, you can really rev up your metabolism by doing some high-intensity cardio daily. High-intensity cardio bursts often burn 800+ calories per hour, so just 10 minutes per day can blast through over 130 calories. There are plenty of ways to fit high-intensity cardio bursts into your day. Some of the best exercises are burpees, jumping jacks, jump squats, and sprints.

Incorporate Resistance Training Into Your Routine

If you’re serious about boosting your metabolism, resistance training needs to be part of your routine. Although it doesn’t directly burn as many calories as some cardiovascular exercises, it indirectly increases your overall metabolism.

The reason for this is that muscle cells burn three times more calories than fat cells. Therefore, by doing some form of resistance training a few times each week, you build up your overall muscle mass and naturally burn more calories as a result.

Follow A Consistent Workout Plan

To truly maximize your metabolism, you need to be following a consistent workout plan. Doing a little extra activity during the day does make a difference. Still, the most significant calorie-burning gains come from your workouts. Create a workout plan that involves a mixture of cardiovascular training and resistance training. Do your best to apply maximum effort in every activity and exercise between three and five times per week for the best results.

Rest For At Least 1 Full Day Every Week

Without proper rest, even the most efficient metabolism-boosting exercise plan will fail. Resting gives your body time to heal, gives your muscles a chance to repair, and prevents your body from becoming overwhelmed by excessive training. Failing to make time for rest has the opposite effect and prevents your body from fully recovering between workouts, resulting in it being unable to perform optimally and your metabolism slowing down. Therefore, make sure you take at least one full rest day each week and use this day as a complete break from any physical activity.


As you can see, with just a few minor tweaks, you can fire up your metabolism by using exercise. The best part is all these tips are easy to implement into your weekly routine. So if you want to increase the number of calories you burn every day, start implementing these five tips now and give your metabolism a much-needed boost.

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