Excuses are often the first barrier to starting a new physical activity such as exercise. Do you have an excuse? If so, let’s try turning that excuse into action!
I’m not fit enough or strong enough to exercise
Remember, our body is designed to move! If you don’t feel like doing a full workout or going to the gym, why not start walking? Most of us can walk, and there are tons of benefits. Plus, it’s free. You only need a comfortable pair of shoes! You can walk alone or with a pet, friend or family. Need more tips to get those feet moving?
- Increase your speed or try walking up and down a hill
- Don’t put pressure on yourself or try to do too much. Start with a 10-minute walk and slowly increase your time.
- Try incorporating technology to motivate or reduce injury risks. A Smart Watch or heart rate monitor can track your heart rate, steps, distance, calories, and so on. There are many brands to choose from.

I’m shy, or I’m scared.
You don’t need to be outside or go to the gym to exercise. Working out at home is an excellent way to start. There are many programs and equipment (amazon link?) to help facilitate exercise at home. When you feel comfortable and confident, you can begin to exercise with your friends and family. Once you start to progress, your confidence will begin to climb.
Most Popular Excuse: I don’t have time
If you are fortunate and can spare 30 extra minutes for exercise, that’s great! But most of us do not have that extra time. However, research indicates that simply doing 3-5 minutes of exercise throughout the day adds up and has the same benefits as (one 30 minutes session of movement?). The main goal is to keep moving! Need any ideas to help incorporate more movement into your busy day?
- Plan ahead. Create a movement plan for the week or day and stick with it!
- Try walking around versus sitting at your desk. Take a 5-minute push up and sit up break
- Stretch when you wake up (link to your morning routine blog?)
- Complete 15 squats before taking a shower
- Try switching 15 minutes of social media for 15 minutes of movement
I have no energy!
Guess what? Exercise not only gives you more energy but also creates a more positive mood. First, try being mindful and see if you can discover how you feel and why you may be feeling this way. Did you get enough sleep? Are you fatigued, dehydrated, or malnourished? If you have all those in check and still have no energy, consider consulting with a physician.
I’m afraid of getting injured!
Starting an exercise program based on your age, abilities, experience, or former injuries is a must. Know your limitations, but don’t permanently settle for your limits! Start light and simple such as walking, stretching, or non-impact exercises, and progress from there. If you’ve had injuries, consult with your physician before you start. Or, consider exercising with an experienced trainer or under professional supervision to prevent further damage.
There will always be excuses, but luckily, there are usually solutions. A positive mindset is a road to our well-being.